‘कालो पोथी’ निर्देशक मीन बहादुर भामको दोस्रो फिचर फिल्म ‘शाम्बाला’ यही शुक्रबार विश्वकै प्रख्यात बर्लिन फिल्म फेस्टिभलमा प्रिमियर हुँदैछ । यसका लागि निर्देशक भामसहितको टिम बर्लिन पुगेको छ । फिल्म प्रिमियरको पूर्वसन्ध्यामा अंग्रेजी सबटाइटलमा ट्रेलर सार्वजनिक गरिएको छ । २ मिनेट हाराहारीको ट्रेलरमा बहुपति प्रथासँग जोडेर पेमा पात्रको माध्यमबाट कथा भनिएको छ ।
पेमा (थिन्ले ल्हामो)को एउटै घरका तीन दाजु-भाईसँग विवाह हुन्छ । र, उनीहरुमध्ये एक श्रीमान् व्यापारका लागि ल्हासा जान्छन् तर फर्किँदैनन् । यसपछि उसको खोजीमा गर्भवती पेमाले गर्ने यात्रालाई ट्रेलरमा देखाइएको छ । ट्रेलरमा टिबेटियन भाषाको बढी प्रयोग छ । नेपाली भाषा एक दृश्यमा मात्र सुन्न पाइन्छ । कार्म, सोनम तोप्देन लगायतका कलाकारहरु पनि ट्रेलरमा अटेका छन् ।
‘शाम्बाला’को ट्रेलर बर्लिन फिल्म फेस्टिभलका लागि तयार पारिएको हो । बर्लिनको प्रमुख प्रतिस्पर्धा अर्थात् अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विधातर्फ यो फिल्म छानिएको छ, जसमा विश्वका अरु १९ वटा फिल्म प्रतिस्पर्धामा छन् । बर्लिनको यो विधामा छनोट हुने ‘शाम्बाला’ पहिलो नेपाली फिचर फिल्म हो । १४ करोडको बजेटमा निर्माण भएको फिल्मले निर्माणअघि थुप्रै अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय ‘फन्ड’ जितिसकेको थियो ।
निर्देशक भाम र ‘लोरी’ निर्देशक अविनाश विक्रम शाहको संयुक्त लेखन रहेको फिल्म डोल्पाको ४२ सयदेखि ६ हजारको उचाईंमा खिचिएको हो । नेपालसँगै फ्रान्स, नर्वे, हङकङ, टर्की, ताइवान, अमेरिका र कतारसँगको सहकार्यमा निर्माण भएको फिल्मको पहिला ‘चिसो वर्ष’ शीर्षक थियो । ६ वर्षमा ४४ वटा ड्राफ्ट लेखिसकेपछि निर्देशक भामले फिल्मको नाम ‘शाम्बाला’ राखेका हुन् ।
यो समाचार हामीले फिल्मी खबरबाट लिएका हौं ।
“Kaalo Pothi” director Min Bahadur Bham’s second feature Nepali film “Shambala” is premiering at the world famous Berlin Film Festival this Friday. For this, the team including director Bham has reached Berlin. On the eve of the film’s premiere, the trailer has been released with English subtitles. In the trailer of around 2 minutes, the story is told through the character of Pema in connection with the practice of polygamy.
Pema (Thinle Lhamo) is married to three siblings from the same house. And, one of their husbands goes to Lhasa for business but does not return. After this, the journey of pregnant Pema in search of him is shown in the trailer. There is more use of Tibetan language in the trailer. Nepali language can be heard only in one scene. Karma, Sonam Topden and other actors are also stuck in the trailer.
The trailer of ‘Shambala’ has been prepared for the Berlin Film Festival. This film has been selected for Berlin’s main competition, i.e. the international category, in which 19 other films from around the world are competing. ‘Shambala’ is the first Nepali feature film to be selected in this category in Berlin. The film, which was made on a budget of 14 crores, had already won many international ‘funds’ before its production.
The film, written jointly by director Berlin Film Festival and ‘Lori’ director Avinash Vikram Shah, was shot at the height of 4200 to 6000 meters in Dolpa. The film was produced in collaboration with France, Norway, Hong Kong, Turkey, Taiwan, America and Qatar along with Nepal. After writing 44 drafts in 6 years, director Min Bahadur Bham named the film ‘Shambala’.
Pema, a lively woman, lives in the Nepalese Himalayas polyandrous village with her husband Tashi and his two brothers, who are also her husbands. Their life is peaceful until Tashi disappears on a business trip to Lhasa and Pema’s pregnancy is doubted by her neighbours. She decides to go after Tashi to clear her name and show her devotion. She is joined by Karma, one of her brother-in-laws and a monk. Karma initially struggles to adapt to the worldly life, but he soon learns to enjoy it. However, he has to return to his monastery for urgent matters and Pema continues alone. Her journey is not only about finding Tashi, but also about finding herself and her freedom. She grows more spiritual and enlightened with every step.
- Thinley Lhamo as Pema
- Sonam Topden as Karma
- Tenzin Dalha as Tashi
- Karma Wangyal Gurung as Dawa
- Karma Shakya as Ram sir
- Loten Namling as Rinpoche
- Tsering Lhamo Gurung as Pema’s friend
- Janga Bahadur Lama as shepherd
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